Bauhinia tomentosa

Scientific Name: Bauhinia tomentosa. Family: CAESALPINIACEAE.
Common name: Yellow Orchid Tree, Bell Bauhinia.
Trunk: a small woody plants. Stem height of 3-4 meters into different branches and dense bush.
Leaves: Leaf blades are to express a twin out as an alternate beginning. Smaller leaves Bell Bauhinia leaf texture is rough hand irritation. Usually leaves will fold bend toward each other. Shaped leaves look similar to the year, insects, leaves and green leaves the size of about 5-7 centimeters wide.
Flowers: a bouquet of flowers from the top or the short end of the limb. A bouquet of flowers will be approximately 8-12 flowers, but flowers will bloom at a time, 2-3 with pale yellow flowers. Is about 6 cloves of each petal lobe width is stacked close together round However, hook-shaped blades are bent toward each other face bloom throughout the year.
Propagation: The plants outdoors. Wu rising, growing in all soil types. But there is no water trapped underground at all times. It is a tree that Chongko yellow root rot easily. Propagation by seed and transplant
The flowers from this tree, rich in pollen and nectar, attract various insects such as butterflies and bees. In turn these insects will attract insect eating birds. Certain birds and the larvae of certain moth species feed on the flowers. This is also a host plant for many butterfly species, with the larvae feeding on the leaves.
Efficacy of drug treatment:

Leaves: They are alkalcid tannin ate boiled leaves are used to treat cough due to alkalcid.
Flowers: Use a mix with other drug Treatment of fever Off toxic or fever. Or a laxative.
Root wood: a cup of boiling antiflatulents. Or eat a pound of water mixed with medicine to treat fever.