Medicinal use thyme herb

Medicinal use thyme herb. Thyme herb (scientific name: Ocimum basilicum Linn.; Family: LABIATAE; Sources were: Ecology of basil is native to Asia and Africa.
Is a herbaceous plant height from 0.5 to 1 square meter plant is a purple red twig. Leaves out a single leaf opposite Wide, elliptical or oval 3-4 cm long, 4-6 cm sharp border exists some cows cause the distance. Flowers white or pale pink. Leave a bouquet at the end of long branch from 7 to 12 cm green leaves decorated with purple will remain on as a result. Network access code leaves the end of each split into 2 parts with the male pollen has a small 4. Advantages: fresh leaves have essential oils such as linalool and methyl chavicol driving wind, etc. flatulence cure inflation as food flavor food. Some handsome flavor. Soak seed swelled as a laxative due to mucus, increasing the number of food waste (bulk laxative). Herbaceous plants thyme herb several years old from 0.3 to 0.9 m high trunk branches are square. Purple or deep red leaves opposite sort single elliptical or oval. Jagged edge would cause the leaves with white flowers off the stem tip of the results of the four sub-grains as small dark brown sesame seeds, sweet basil, is a native plant of India. However, widespread in Asia and the West. West consumed dried leaves. Basil salad using ingredients that doubles as a salad with Italian food. Is consumed in the United States. By Thyme herbl from Egypt, France and California Mania. Smells different to that of Thailand. Used as an herbal medicine. Thyme herb has medicinal properties of various drugs. Fresh Thyme herb leaves, the quality of flatulence cure inflation driving wind from the intestine. Boil drinking cure nausea wind. Digestion. Tam Herbal mask or modify the arthritis inflammation from fresh leaves and boiled together. Boiled some water for a cold sweating, abdominal pain if the child leaves 20 basil leaves and hot water maker to brew the drink instead of milk to children antiflatulents have. Dried thyme leaves boiled with water. Efficacy against pathogens.