Jamaican Sorel, Roselle

Red Roselle Scientific name: Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
Common names: Jamaican Sorel, Roselle. Family: Malvaceae.
Botanical characteristics: herbaceous plant one year old and 1-2 m smooth bark. Stems and branches red purple leaves are sorted out a single leaf switch leaves deeply concave wavy 3-5 each radial radial width from 0.5 to 3 cm long, 3-8 cm, base rounded leaf tip pointed leaf petiole 4-15 cm long Single flowers from the corner card. Adorned with a red stripe. Calyx base bonding together separate five-pointed end of a dark red Oybngm petals 5 petals, yellow center flowers purple red Large number of male pollen oval dark red calyx is persistent and large support the results of the dry brown seed lots.
Part used: calyx of the flower. Or to the left lobe of leaf, flower seeds.
Properties: calyx of the flower. Or to the left lobe.
1. The drugs reduce blood fat. And help with weight loss.
2. Lower blood pressure without affecting in any way serious.
3. Roselle water viscosity of the blood.
4. Help maintain healthy blood vessel disease better.
5. Roselle water has diuretic effects. This reduces the pressure on one another.
6. Helps digestion. It does not increase the secretion of acid in the stomach.
7. Increased secretion of bile from the liver.
8. Is a drink that helps the body refreshed.
Leaves - the cure and pathogenesis sour trichina
Flowers - Fixed kidney stones. Solving gallstones have suppression of urine in the bladder. Limited fat soluble in blood, phlegm mucus in the gut to drive into the rectum.
Effect - reducing fat in the blood thirsty solve wound in the stomach.
Seeds - Mount taste good care solution with Disabilities elements tonic, diuretic reduce fat in the blood. Furthermore, this indicates that the properties without specifying which parts are used to solve the fatigue element to solve a good pick-me-Care Disabled Disabled urine solution. Solve the parched thirst. Cure high blood pressure, cough, phlegm limited driving it in Sam gut mucus. Reduce blood cholesterol in the body maintain blood temperature. Cure diabetes Solving arterial narrow Also used alone. But also in the mix formulation used in conjunction with other herbs taken Pathology trichina
Method and amount of use.
By using the calyx. Vice flower petals purple or red. Dried and ground to powder used per 1 teaspoon (weight 3 g) brew with boiling water 1 cup (250 ml) drink only water, red, clear drink 3 times a day consecutive daily until symptoms have suppression of urine and other symptoms will missing
Chemicals: Chemicals that were important in the flower Protocatechuic acid. Hibiscetin, hibicin, organic acid, malvin, gossypetin.
Value of food: water red okra sauce bring to boil drinking water, sugar solution in the dry heat and prevent the capture of fat in the blood was. And to bring a dessert jelly, jam, or used as a coloring substance. Young leaves of the okra is a vegetable. Or sour. Sour is good. Kornaehe๊ibeprigiy have another name called "orange moderation" in the form Vitamin A helps maintain a vision The calyx and petals. Containing calcium Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Roselle, water colors, red and dark red substance Anthocyanin to food coloring as desired.