Citronella grass Benefits of drug treatment

Citronella grass Benefits of drug treatment Citronella grass the herbal insect repellent or insecticide.
Scientific name: Cymbopogon nardus Rendle.
Common names: Citronella grass.
Botanical characteristics: age, herbaceous plant from 0.75 to 1.2 meters high for several years as a golf break underground rhizomes are only smell. An articulate and very short. Outer leaves of lemongrass mixed with green, magenta. Long and thick, tightly covered items and leaves a single sort segment switch 70-100 cm long, 1-2 cm wide sheets, leaves and leaves rough edges and sharp (Citronella, lemon grass leaves are long and soft little plain. The end hanging down over dirty ground) bouquet of flowers reddish-brown flower spike from the middle of the fruit of hard not broken.
Part used: oil from fresh leaves of the trees investigated.
Properties: hew citronella oil.
- Cooking with Fragrance Body mosquito bites.
- Put the cylinder oil mixed with other very good insect repellent spray.
- Use citronella early 4-5 lead, both from any place left on the beat dark room. Aroma essential oil will run out mosquitoes, insects out.
Benefits of drug treatment.
Cure hemorrhoids in the mouth. (Ie, cracked mouth ulcers in the mouth).
Antiflatulents cooked in the intestine. And solve the firm has with
Pregnant women to give birth eaten or destroyed by blood (to abortion) is a power in the uterus, strangulation well.
How to use: Apply the essential oil citronella insect repellent as the mosquitoes.
Chemicals are 0.4 to 0.9% essential oil contains geraniol 57.6-61.1% Citronellal 7.7-14.2% eugenol, camphor, methyl eugenol.